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How often are you baffled about why your loved one continues to create consequences or destruction in their lives and in your family? Recovery in the Pines understands that addiction and poor mental health is not an individual illness; it is a family issue. Often when it comes to treating substance abuse and addictive behaviors, the focus of care is on the unwell individual. But what about the education and healing of the family?

"I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate." (Romans 7:15 NLT)

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Simply sending off your loved one to “get well” doesn’t work. You need help making sense of the insanity and learning how to heal together. Families need direction, education, care and support to navigate these cunning, baffling and powerful illnesses. 


It’s time for a new way of living.

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Recovery in the Pines provides families with the following services:

  • Pre-admission Mentoring

  • Intervention Services

  • Family Counseling

  • Addiction and Mental Health Education

  • Client Progress Reports

  • Discharge Planning

  • Spiritual Guidance

Are you ready to heal and experience the family God has planned for you? Contact Recovery in the Pines for a personalized assessment and treatment plan.
Call (844) 762-3748 or email us at

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